Please be sure to follow all on-site procedures, including but not limited to:
- Report the results of your match in the reporting tab of the tournament after your match has concluded.
Only captains are allowed to report for your team.
- Your team must be available and ready to play at the start of each round.
- UGC will allow fifteen minutes for a grace period before the match will start.
- Follow all rules in the rules tab of the tournament.
- Your team must be registered for the tournament on-site one hour prior to the start of the event in order to compete. No exceptions.
General Information
Game: Rocket League
Platform: Xbox, PS4, PC
Region: United States
There is no age requirement to compete in the Defender Cup.
How to play
On match day, follow the following steps to compete in your matches:
- Login to UGC Esports and head to the “Matches” tab.
- In the header, you will receive a notification when your match has started.
- Check your first match and add your opponents into a custom lobby.
- Either team can create and host the in-game lobby. The hosting team must invite their opponents to the lobby to play
- A chat window should be available to communicate with your opponent.
- When the match is finished, report your scores in the match lobby.
- If you’re experiencing trouble, please contact a UGC admin in our Discord for more information.
Event Timeline
The National Championship will start on Friday, June 5th at 6:00 PM PST // 9:00 PM EST
National Championship
- 3V3
- Double-elimination
- 32 teams
- Best-of-three games (BO3)
- Best-of-five game (Grand Final)
- Los Angeles
- Portland
- Northern California
- Salt Lake City
- Southern California
- Seattle
- Central California
| Southwest
- Dallas
- Denver
- Houston
- Kansas City
- Oklahoma City
- San Antonio
- Phoenix
- Chicago
- Cleveland
- Columbus
- Indianapolis
- Great Lakes
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis
- Nashville
| Southeast
- Atlanta
- Columbia
- Jacksonville
- Miami
- Montgomery
- Raleigh
- Tampa
- Baton Rouge
| Northeast
- Albany
- Baltimore
- New England
- Harrisburg
- New York City
- Mid-Atlantic
- Syracuse
- Richmond
National Championship
The top 32 teams from the regional qualifiers will advance to the National Championship on June 5. The following teams will advance from the regional qualifiers into the National Championship:
West: 6 Teams Advance
Southwest: 6 Teams Advance
Midwest: 7 Teams Advance
Southeast: 6 Teams Advance
Northeast: 7 Teams Advance
Prize Distribution
1st place: $3,000
2nd place: $1,500
3rd place: $500
Roster Lock
- You must play with the players on your team’s lineup at the time you join the derby. Registration for each week’s event will close one hour prior to the match start time.
- Your team is allowed one (1) player as a substitute who can participate in place of another who is unable to compete. The maximum team capacity for this event is four (4). This player must be on your UGC Esports team prior to the start of the match, or they will be considered ineligible.
- If it is determined that you have competed in an event with a player who is not registered on your roster, or is an ineligible member, your team will be disqualified from the tournament.
UGC will not tolerate tournament delays in any capacity. We will do our best to enact a fair judgment on any reasonable delay placed on the tournament as long as any teams or players contact and notify a UGC admin.
- If you are still in a series and don’t think you will make the next round start time, please contact a UGC admin and let them know.
- UGC maintains a zero-tolerance policy on the purposeful delay of a tournament.
- You have 15 mins from the time the round starts to start your game in the series.
Penalties for delays are as follows:
- First offense: (15 mins after start time) Forfeit Game 1
- Second offense: (20 mins after start time) Forfeit Game 2
- Third offense: (25 mins after start time) Forfeit Series
Party Privacy:
It is the responsibility of the team hosting a game to make sure the party is set to invite-only. If players join your match and you are the hosting team, you will be penalized.
- First Offense: Warning by UGC admin
- Second Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the map
- Third Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the series
Connection Issues
- If a player disconnects during the first 30 seconds or before the first goal is scored, the game should be ended and restarted. If a player disconnects 30 seconds or after the first goal is scored, the game shall continue.
- If you have a player disconnect after 30 seconds have passed in-game, or after the first goal has been scored, do not quit the game. The game will continue and you must play to receive any points.
- Players are responsible for making sure their firewalls are open and are capable of connecting.
For all game modes, the hosting team is responsible for starting the games with the correct settings. If the game is started with incorrect settings, or the map isn't correct, the hosting team will be penalized. Restart penalties are as follows:
- First Offense: Warning by UGC admin
- Second Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the map
- Third Offense: The hosting team will forfeit the series
All accusations of cheating or violation of any of the listed rules require proof for Support Staff to enforce any penalties and to make the best-informed decision. The burden of that proof is on the accusing party. We highly suggest that as many players as possible take pictures and/or videos of their matches to support their claim.
Any and all disqualifications are at the sole discretion of the UGC admin overseeing the tournament.
In the event two teams are tied in point totals after the regional qualifiers, the team with the highest series win differential will advance into the National Championship. In the event two teams are tied in both point totals and match win differential, those teams will schedule to play a best-of-three match to determine which team advances into the National Championship.
Game Settings
- Default Arena: DFH Stadium
- Team Size: 3v3
- Bot Difficulty: No Bots
- Match Length: 5 Minutes
- Max Score: Unlimited
- Game Speed: Default
- Ball Max Speed: Default
- Ball Type: Default
- Ball Weight: Default
- Ball Size: Default
- Ball Bounciness: Default
- Boost Amount: Default
- Boost Strength: 1X
- Gravity: Default
- Demolish: Default
- Respawn Time: 3 Seconds
- Match Time: 5 Minutes
- Joinable By: Name/Passwo